l Mosquito Eyebrows on Toast: Today's Intention.... trav

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Today's Intention....

My intention today is to be....um, content.

As a somewhat hyper person, I am having a bit of difficulty with my current employment.
I started last Monday at a large company and have so far done nothing at all to earn my keep.
This is a new breed of strange for me as I am accustomed to small companies where the employees are running so fast they have bugs on their teeth. Here they even smile in slow motion. If they even deign to smile. This is not a good place for a recovering Catholic. The whole day is an opportunity for guilt.

But at least I have the time and opportunity to do some of the things I've been meaning to do, such as google all of my friend's names to see what comes up and do research on Classmates.com to try and find out if my high school best friend really did marry my high school boyfriend (yes).

Until tomorrow I shall remain


About the photo...I love small things and dead things (within reason) so a small dead flower was right up my alley. I kept this grapefruit blossom safe for 2 months until I bought my macro lens and it was the first shot after purchase.
I have a Canon Digital Rebel EOS and I used my lovely new Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro Lens.


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