l Mosquito Eyebrows on Toast: In a lonely family cemetery in the wilds of Missouri trav

Thursday, August 03, 2006

In a lonely family cemetery in the wilds of Missouri

My brother Fred lives smack in the middle of Missouri half way between Kansas City and St. Louis. I like Missouri because the land is cheap so there are still old decrepit abandoned buildings and cemeteries that no one visits anymore. Here in California that doesn't often happen. We also don't have as much physical history. If something isn't being used, it quickly gets paved over. There aren't even many middle aged or older people here! I'm 46 and I'm scared! Maybe when you hit a certain age you're forced to either get plastic surgery or move to Arizona.

Anyway, knowing of my penchant for cemeteries, Fred takes me to Cemetery Road.
He doesn't know where the cemetery is exactly but we figure with a name like Cemetery Road, there's gotta be one somewhere. After an off road adventure, we finally found it. It was worth the search. This is my favorite picture from that excursion.


At 8:32 PM, Blogger Nathan said...

I very much like this photo. I come from a rural area of Illinois, so it makes me wonder what wonders are around me.

I too am new to photography and photoblogging. Just wondering what type of camera you are using, because you have some very nice photos. I have a Sony DSC-V3. It's a nice camera, with a decent amount of bells and whistles, for it's price.


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